Get the body and energy that’s fit for your purpose.
With ease, joy, and love.
How do you do that? not by “getting yourself to” or having a coach twist your arm and make you “stick to your plan.” (Ugh.)
You do it by becoming someone who nourishes your body-mind-spirit and LIFE…with clarity and a sense of choice.
That’s what I can help you do.
With a unique combination of health-fitness coaching and spiritual mentorship, I guide you into a life where you can thrive agelessly as the healthiest, fullest and most resilient expression of who you are and what most deeply matters.
If you’re tired, out of shape, sick of “diets” and “plans,” and confused or overwhelmed by the “health-info avalanche”… and most of all, think you struggle with “discipline,” “willpower” or “motivation”…I can show you a much better way to get the body, energy, and life you truly want.
I’m a holistic health coach, fitness trainer, fitness nutrition specialist, motivation master, and “joyful nourishment guide.” I’m an ACE-certified fitness pro, with nearly 30 years of experience and a unique signature system that will help you make the choices that will actually fuel what really matters most to you.

And do it happily and easily, as how you live and who you are. As gifts you love to give yourself. (Not a to-do list of chores!)
Be deeply happy getting exceptionally healthy—by treating yourself like you matter. No fads, extremes, hype or random one-off magic bullets. No guilt.
This is conscious, smart self-love and self-respect… joyfully expressed with food, movement, rest and other self-care.
And if you are determined to really handle it, once and for all…so you can stop wasting your energy, and start building energy you can spend on what matters… consider igniting your own untapped power with the support of an expert, transformative mentor.
I bring together science, spirit and common sense in equal measure. (And I LIVE this.)
Let me be your sherpa on a journey beyond what you thought was possible…a path to BEING the person who joyfully LIVES a vibrantly healthy life. The one that naturally creates the body and energy that serves you.
We can do something even more important than changing your body.
First, we can change your mind.
For real. For good. In a way almost no one even believes is possible when it comes to healthy living…but it IS. My clients are proof.
My unique, signature, super-motivating process “flips the inspiration switch”—so healthy habits become not just a obligatory to-do list but WHO YOU ARE. It powerfully cuts through myths, resistance, and cultural conditioning that lead you astray.
You become discerning, powerfully informed, and deeply inspired to live well. Then you’ll learn to naturally fuel your body and nourish your life—with ease, clarity, and a sense of choice—for the resilience to fulfill your passions.
Very simply, you’ll know just what you need, AND you’ll gladly give it to yourself. Imagine that!
You can be an “athlete of your life”: super-informed *and* deeply inspired to optimally eat-move-sleep-nourish and alchemize stress, to get strong, lean, and energized—for good. AND to boost your odds for the longest life—and make every decade MORE vibrant than the last. (These photos of me? I’m over 50. And they’re not retouched…and I haven’t had “work done.” I just do the right work…and play! And so can you.)

Instead of struggling to sort through headlines and hacks, or grinding to motivate yourself, YOU CAN:
- Light a fire under yourself, for motivation that LASTS
- Get clear about what your body needs—and give it yourself like a GIFT
- Build crucial pillars for the rest of your life—to eat, move, sleep/rest, un-stress, un-plug, and more—for performance AND pleasure
- Separate the truly important stuff from the faddish, gimmicky, random, isolated minutiae that won’t give you lasting anything
- Forget your (irrelevant) “weight” for the rest of your life—and focus on strong, lean, resilient instead
- Double your energy (really!) and trim excess fat
- Experience healthy self-care as a pleasure and privilege—a choice, not a chore
By changing how you think, you absolutely change what you do—and that changes how you look and feel. PERFORMANCE. POWER. PLEASURE.™
Sound good? (It is. REALLY good.)
I have loads of references and testimonials from happy clients. And I offer a complimentary discernment call if you want to explore whether this is a fit for you.
Want to love yourself, give to yourself, and experience the pleasure and power of your healthiest body and life?
I’m confident that you’ll find my approach a breath of fresh air—and that it will help you ACE your healthy life where other approaches have failed. Because your choices won’t just be “habits” any more. They’ll be HOW YOU LIVE. WHO YOU ARE. From the inside out. A deeply connected reflection and expression of your dearest wishes and highest vision.
Let me synthesize the most proven essentials and latest research for you—and ignite YOUR powerful inspiration to use them. With compassion and common sense, I will help you weed out distractions, deflate myths and dissolve objections. In their place, you’ll find juicy new energy for healthy choices…that lead to the body and LIFE you want.
Take the hand of an experienced, no-nonsense, and compassionate guide. With two bestselling books and a third on the way, numerous nationally-published articles, media appearances, and nearly three energetic decades of walking my own talk, I have helped hundreds of thousands of people on this path…to joyful nourishment of their best bodies and lives. I can help you, too.
Forget the boring, confusing, and grim story that media and health authorities tell about healthy choices. Let me show you how to use YOUR power and freedom to live better, and mature more beautifully, than you ever dreamed possible. And absolutely have a blast doing it!
Why this coaching is inherently spiritual
My certifications, training and experience are as a health coach, fitness trainer, health writer and author, herbalist, and Reiki practitioner. I bring all those disciplines to what I do because it’s part of what people need to support healing and well-being.
But over years of coaching it’s become clear to me and my clients that I am far more a spiritual mentor than I am a “health coach.” That’s the work my clients and I are doing, that’s what needs doing really. The how-to and doing and “behavior wrestling” is where everyone looks—that’s the first thing people usually go to when they approach health and fitness. But my magic, gift, deepest skill and everything I bring is really about a spiritual process and practice that transcends that.
I’m not helping people change their habits. I’m not helping people wrench themselves into doing something different. I’m helping them become a person who naturally does those things.
I’m helping people actually become a person who takes amazing care of themselves. Become a person who nourishes their body and life. Become a person who cares so deeply about themselves and what they’re giving that they are compelled to do right by themselves in every way.
Become a person who gives to themselves generously as an act of giving to the world because it’s not separate.
Becomes a person who deeply connects their greatest aspirations and commitment to their self-care and life choices every day.
Become that person.
They don’t just try to do different stuff while remaining the same old person. They don’t just try to harangue themselves into “habits” while embedded in the old identity, or the entrenched “normal“ health-fitness consciousness.
They BECOME a person who…. fill in the blank. They BE that person. So they naturally do the good things. It’s integral and inevitable from that place. There’s no more struggle.
And then, sure, we cover all the what to do stuff…it’s great to be able to advise on food and herbs and movement and meditation.
But the how-to is a piece of cake (so to speak!) when they’ve shifted their consciousness and center of identity.
People who want that, who see that that’s what it’s about and what it takes, are “my people.” But the truth is almost no one is getting anywhere without shifting their consciousness in this way – without actually becoming a person who wants and loves and chooses to do those things.
Without that shift, it’s just a bunch of struggle to do things you “should“ be doing…that inevitably falters. Trying to do different things from the old consciousness, with the old language, from a place where you are not that person….it never works. That’s why it’s not working.
Culturally it’s not working at all — all the plans and programs and hacks and “habit change“ are failing miserably to the tune of billions and billions of dollars and deaths.
Most people are disabled and dying of chronic disease — like 75 to 85% of the culture !— because of “lifestyle choices“ that they can’t armtwist themselves into doing and others can’t “get them to do” — because it doesn’t come from who they are and what they really want. Because it’s not connected and alive and embodied.
Hardly anybody is even having that conversation. This conversation is had in spiritual circles sometimes, but it’s often divorced from health and fitness — like a body without a heart and a spirit and a head.
That’s the paradigm I’m hoping to shift on a larger scale.

Massive well-meaning health fields and industries are engaged in trying to wrangle people to do new stuff from the old consciousness. And lamenting how hard it is. And that people “just won’t do it.“
Nope, they won’t, and you can’t “get tem to.” And you can’t Get yourself to.” But you can get something much better…that won’t just change your health, it will change your life.
I don’t just help people change what they DO. I help them change who they ARE. Then who they are naturally does all the good things. (And yes, they also learn what those are.)
I’ve always known that the deeper bigger truer thing I’m doing is that. I’ve always known that that’s the magic. Not the how to, but the deepest fullest embodiment of the WHY to.
Yet I still called it health coaching when the truth is… It’s spiritual mentorship. It’s about 75% spiritual and 25% “how to.“
I live it, and I’m gifted at transmitting it.
I teach the how-tos really well, too. I know a lot of stuff about food and exercise and sleep and rest and stress and meditation and herbs. And it’s super useful that I can draw on all those things to help people actually get more energy, lose fat, support healing, and so forth.
But other people can do the how-to part too. I’m excelent at it — but so are others.
What I’m doing that no one else I know is doing (in the health-fitness space) is actually transforming the consciousness with which people approach all that stuff.
So that they love it. So that they do it naturally. So that they don’t struggle to get themselves to.
That is a SPIRITUAL prospect.
You good with that?
Want that? Let’s talk.