I first reached out to Robyn after being diagnosed with severe osteoporosis at the age of 52. Given that I’d always been fairly health-conscious, the diagnosis came as a shock. After meeting with a few health care providers to explore conventional treatment approaches, I knew I wanted to take a different tack, one that would address not just my bones in isolation, but also the overall wellness of my mind, body and spirit.
As luck would have it, I came across a powerful article that Robyn had written about bringing a sense of the sacred to our self-care, and I knew I needed to speak with her. In our first meeting she was so knowledgeable, centered, kind, and reassuring that I signed up for her 8-session package, which I would wholeheartedly recommend if you’re hoping to address any complex issues.
Robyn is impeccably professional, but also genuinely caring, supportive and generous. Her understanding of herbal medicine is deep and vast, and each session proved to be invaluable for helping me address not only the osteoporosis, but also more subtle wellness concerns that I had long overlooked. As I began to feel better physically, I noticed an increasing desire to take better care of my health and to lean into my spiritual growth, subtle changes which have rippled outward in lovely ways.
In some ways I’m at the beginning of a journey, bringing a new level of awareness to my daily experience. I can’t imagine making any future health care decisions without first consulting Robyn. She’s like the friend, sister or wise elder you always wish you’d had, guiding and accompanying you on a journey toward a healthier and happier you.
Jennifer C.
I feel deeply fortunate to have worked with Robyn over the past few months: starting out as a participant in her JoyFuel course, and following this up with one-to-one sessions to deepen my burgeoning change around self-care. Like many people I know, I have struggled throughout my life with consistently putting self-care into practice, but during this time working with Robyn I have experienced a profound shift in this area.
Robyn speaks what I would call ‘rare sense’ – her insights and perspectives feel so wise and true that they should be widespread. Her model of self-care is simple to work with but also expansive, allowing exploration and change through so many levels of wellbeing. Along with the extraordinary clarity she brings to conversations around health and wellbeing, she also brings a non-judgmental gentleness and endless encouragement. Her focus on joy means that the process of change feels light and easeful, not heavy or dutiful. For me now, self-care decisions feel natural, based in a love and respect for myself and my body – and my body feels gentle and vibrant as a result.
My time working with Robyn has spanned challenging times, and I have found her throughout to be a voice of constructive positivity and deep comfort. She has accompanied me through some major life decisions relating to self-care with tenderness and non-judgmental clarity. She brings to her work a phenomenal range of skills and knowledge in the fields of personal training, nutrition, herbal medicine, meditation and reiki. You could call Robyn a ‘One Stop Wellbeing Shop’ – run with deep love, humanity, generosity, energy and expertise.
Kate J
london, england
Robyn is more than just a health coach, she is a healer, teacher, mentor, and spiritual guide who is so needed, especially in these fast-moving, chaotic times we suddenly find ourselves in. Through our work together, I have matured from someone who only wanted to heal just enough to return to eating takeout, pizza, and cream puffs — to someone who actually wants to take care of myself and to gobble up life instead. I’m well on the path not just to healing physically but to maturing spiritually, as someone who joyfully and consciously chooses to do what’s best for my body mind spirit so I can be ready and available to serve life and the highest good.

Audrey Wong
long island city, NY
Working with Robyn changed my life from the inside out. When I first reached out to her I was in a dark place in terms of my health and well-being. I was feeling heavy in my body and in my energy levels. I was wanting to shed body fat, regain energy to exercise more and to overall feel better and lighter. When I say she helped me change from the inside out, I mean that literally. First I had to understand what I was really wanting and why. Why is it important to live and be healthy? What is the point? Well, if I am not my best self then whatever I bring into the world will also not be my best. The world and all life upon this amazing planet is depending on all of us as a whole to be our very best selves. To bring in the highest energy, the deepest love, the most expanded consciousness possible. Where does that start? With ME! The single best thing I can do for the world is show up as my best, healthiest, strongest, most loving self. I can’t control other people and what they do. The good news is I can improve what matters most: my self, my life and how I show up to “the party”! When I realized that I really wasn’t putting my own health and well-being first and to what extent, my whole perspective shifted. I mean a shift where you’re seeing something one way to seeing from a completely different view. Everything looked different and felt different. I began to create stronger and healthier boundaries with those I love. I began taking better care of my body and my spirit by eating well, moving more, sleeping enough, and managing stress better. I am not the sum of my parts but much, much more than I can imagine as a whole self; mind, body, and spirit. A beautiful symphony that requires my attention and intention to be as well as I can be! It’s not going to happen magically by itself. I am so grateful for my time with Robyn. With her input and influence I was able to turn my life around and get on the path where I knew I belonged. A path to greater and greater well-being. My life has changed forever with her expert coaching and knowledge. Thank you so much Robyn! I am transformed. Love and Light!
Amanda L.
I was eating terribly, and suffering from low energy. Robyn’s delicate yet masterful approach led to a total shift in my thinking. I had no idea this would occur. I thought I would just ‘learn some stuff about healthy eating and exercise!’ Applying her Conscious Inspiration practice plus her ‘four pillars’ revolutionized my approach to nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness. I have shifted to healthy eating and taking great care of myself because I care about myself. I have more energy, no headaches, I’m naturally more active, and I’m experiencing fat loss that had eluded me for years. I am delighted beyond measure. Robyn handed me the golden keys of knowledge and awareness that led to a much more vibrant life then I would have ever anticipated.
Rick Trask
Houston, TX
As a naturopathic doctor I was coming up against a wall when it came to making diet/exercise suggestions for my patients because I myself struggled with these things. The typical medical approach is to make diet and exercise seem like something you HAVE to do, totally lacking in passion or connection to the importance of taking care of oneself. Robyn’s approach really digs in to who you are, what makes you tick, where your hang-ups are, and then provides sensible and easily digestible (no pun intended!) solutions to help you not just reach your goals but then maintain them. I can’t recommend Robyn highly enough, and am so happy to be able to better nourish myself and my patient population!
Dr. Erin Hayford, ND
I had been eating poorly and had been sedentary for over a year, due to an injury. Now I’m moving every day and eating the healthiest meals since I left my mother’s home (a long time ago!). Robyn really knows her stuff. She literally wrote the book on Herbal Defense and she’s just as knowledgeable in all the other areas of nourishment she teaches. I love that she brings up-to-date research to her training, but breaks it all down so that it’s easy to understand and absorb. She gives the least amount of information needed to get the most in results, and that’s exactly what I want in a teacher. I highly recommend Robyn and her coaching to anyone who is ready to nourish themselves in a way that is more healthy, effortless, and joyful.
Amy Carbone
denver, co
These are basic distinctions that are common sense, but somehow we never got them. If someone had told me this stuff when I was 10, in the way you did, it would’ve saved me a lot of trouble. If you could guarantee this kind of delivery in schools, it’s exactly what’s needed.
Georgia S.
IRvine, ca
I started working with Robyn to address my energy issues. I’ve always struggled with fatigue and exhaustion, and had significant sleep problems for many years. I had a very difficult time waking up in the mornings, thinking clearly, or just making it through the day. Robyn helped me to understand how to properly fuel my body without sacrificing all my other priorities. After just a month I noticed an increase in energy. I no longer need daytime naps. My productivity has dramatically increased. I’ve even had enough energy to start doing more intense workouts, which is really exciting. I’m committed to making healthy choices. I see all the ways in which I was cheating my body of the fuel and rest it needed. I can honestly say that working with Robyn has been one of the best investments I have ever made in myself!.
Joseph Rea
austin, tx
All the work we have been doing has really made such a remarkable difference. I truly feel differently inside. More calm, happier, more content and more open to whatever comes my way….One more thing that I feel like I have really deepened as a result of our work together is a DEEP DEEP desire to be healthy for the rest of my life. That will drive all my good decisions. I also realize that if you have a good self-care and you give yourself what you need, you can really show up. To me that’s resilience. I don’t have to worry about me so much; I can focus my concern on others. And without resentment, because I’m so filled up, I can give unreservedly. Thank you for all your encouragement, support and love along the way.
Kari Hamerschlag
oakland, ca
As a therapist and head of trauma services at a well-known treatment facility, and also a happy client of Robyn‘s, I invited her to come speak to our staff. Robyn gave her signature talk on new approaches to motivation and new thinking about self-care to about 50 of our staff a few months ago. She was powerful and professional and her talk had an immediate impact. It inspired a lot of discussion among us and one department decided to implement regular self-care periods the very next week. I was standing with her afterward when our medical director told her that the only reason he hadn’t asked questions during the Q&A was that he was still so stunned by the whole thing. He said “I’ve never heard this presented in this way before.“ We’re looking forward to having Robyn offer more of her inspiring material to both staff and clients.
Bill Reynolds, PA-C
Director, Military & First Responder Trauma Program
Robyn helped me have the body that best supports me, without feeling restricted and instead feeling empowered and free. By connecting with and owning my own beautiful vision for my life, and then bringing that with me to every choice I make, it becomes natural and easy to make healthy choices that nourish me, and to do so with joy.

Holly Baker
Publisher/Owner, Natural Awakenings Magazine / Tucson, az
You have an extraordinary ability to illustrate complex concepts without being either condescending or confusing. Above all, what you delivered was freedom and choice; I could feel myself relaxing about the whole thing. I’ve never seen nutrition presented in such an original way. It’s the right combination of everything. I’m fueling my body!
Dr. Kaaren Nichols, M.D.
Founder, Seattle Medical and Wellness Clinic / Seattle, WA
It’s great to be listening to my body. And even though I came to the course resistant to giving up sugar, I’ve stopped eating refined sugar. I was seriously addicted to sugar, so breaking that is a real accomplishment. When I do eat something rich, I choose it and I enjoy it. You should teach this to athletes—I never learned all this stuff. It used to be pretty hit or miss.
Ginny Gilder
Two-Time Olympian, Silver Medalist, U.S. Olympic Rowing Team
Co-owner of WNBA’s SeattleStorm
Your coursework has helped in leaps and bounds faster than other education I’ve done on my own. I feel like a new person… or at least, the beginnings of a new person!!!!! stomach rolls? no big deal, a little extra fat? I’ll eventually lose it. I’m grateful, I’m more confident, I feel balanced, I feel able to deal with all of this! You’ve helped me gain traction in quieting my inner critic.
Rebecca Fost
Tucson, az
I don’t normally participate so fully in online courses. Usually, I barely complete them. But you are an amazing teacher, role model, and your work is so unique and speaks to me in ways that nothing else has so it was natural for me to put in the work/play. 🙂
Gina F.
Brooklyn, ny
I never knew I could view my body and health this way, as something to be nurtured and taken care of. I’ve been cooking great meals. My wife and I have also begun walking regularly.
Bellevue, wa
This course changed my energy and my life. I didn’t really know what eating well meant. I was starving myself and had no idea. I no longer assume that as I get older, I must get fatter. I realize that I love my body and I love to take care of it.
Peg M.
physical therapist / ca
I so enjoyed working with you, and was totally surprised by how much progress I made! It’s been such an incredible journey that I want it to continue…such a great chapter of growth. It went so fast! I made a lot of discoveries, I made a lot of changes, and people are seeing so much difference in me. I can hardly wait to take the next step. It’s exciting…Vitality makes life so amazing.
Zenobia Hurley
What an amazing experience this has been for me – thank you so much for all your teachings and support and thank you everyone for this great learning community. I am feeling SO nourished by all the material and insights we have been given/learned these last 9 weeks! Robyn, I can so feel your passion and love. It is palpable and infectious! Your course has been so nourishing on so many levels. You walk what you teach – you demonstrate it not only in the choices you make but in the way you relate with the material and with us and in your language! Thank you so much—What a gift!
Eloise Erasmus
Therapist / mn
People don’t recognize me on the street. My bodyfat has dropped many percentage points. I’m wide awake at 6:30 a.m. I don’t think about eating anything junky any more. I’ve gotten to where it’s kind of taken over, you know what I mean? It’s part of me. And I love it.
Bill K.
seattle, wa
During three years in the late 80s to early 90s, I co-led The Leadership Development Intensives in Spokane, WA. Robyn was an Adjunct Faculty member serving executives and leaders who came from all over the world for this deep integrative experience of personal and leadership development. She delivered her BodyFueling™ program as part of our week-long transformative Intensive to inform and inspire healthy eating and self-care in leaders who really need their well-being to align with and support their personal vision and professional aspirations.
Robyn was chosen because of her common-sense, no-nonsense, and deep multidisciplinary approach, along with her unique ability to impart with clarity the crucial connection between healthy choices and a high-performing/high-satisfaction life. Our participants had big “ahas” and they felt confident going home having transformed their relationship to food and overall self-care. Robyn was professional and competent, and I hope to work with her again on future projects. Her passion for and her embodiment of her own work is inspiring in itself.
I also personally worked with Robyn as one of her clients early on and can attest that the experience has stayed with me for decades. I immediately made better choices, became noticeably fitter and stopped worrying or struggling with health, food and ‘weight’—and this became part of who I am. I highly recommend her for any individual or group work where the goal is people getting informed and inspired to healthier choices and to sustain real change from the inside out.
Dixon Thomas de Leña
Founding Partner/Managing Partner Integral Partnerships LLC
berkeley, ca
Robyn combines a brilliant mind with a compassionate heart and a healthy body. It’s not just the information, it’s who she is that demonstrates and communicates it. She’s been through it, and she knows what’s possible. You can see it just by looking at her. There’s no one better I know to help you connect your body to your choices and your life.
Patty Atkins, LMT
sierra tucson, az
I would happily recommend Robyn to anyone who wants to really get motivated to nourish themselves properly and to get a truly holistic take on how to go about doing that. Robyn is a great teacher and a naturally enthusiastic communicator with a deep knowledge of all branches of her subject.
Sophy Dale
I now think of my self as a ‘health athlete.’ I think in terms of supporting myself, not ‘doing what I should.’ I have become aware of my choices, and I am excited to make healthy choices, and I enjoy movement and exercise in a renewed way. I am grateful for all of these changes!

David Godsey
vashon, wa
Robyn is a dedicated and knowledgeable practitioner of health and well-being. Not only is she technically knowledgeable, she has also deeply thought through the issues and blocks that individuals have about their long-term self-care. She is able to help people get past those blocks with a range of strategies that lead to a change in attitude, behaviour and consequently, a change in well-being. She helped me see my un-useful beliefs and re-align my goals to make them more likely for me to achieve. My eating has improved, my exercise has increased and my waistline has diminished!
Tony Burns
New zealand
I love the way you present, so kind and accepting and you have a great vocabulary and convey your messages so clearly. The content was so refreshing and different and it is such a great fit for me—my perspective has shifted!
Gail S.
New zealand
….I hope it is OK to share that I feel as if so much that we have discussed and you have taught me and helped me to explore is coming to some kind of ripening, coming together with strands of truth I have learnt elsewhere in a still and gentle way. At the moment I feel like I am deepening the experience of what it is like to live within a body (and mind) that I am really kind to – to offer it daily, as best I can, what it needs from the four pillars (and then some!), and to actively keep dropping some of the self-talk or habits that can really be so self-harming.
In challenging moments in the past few weeks, I have been practicing coming back to a neutral place before responding, and also – in the most challenging moments – to practice turning everything on its head, so that the things that feel most challenging are transformed into the greatest opportunities for learning, regeneration, growth, compassion, love….with a wholehearted yes… choosing love over fear.
I have also felt such a renewal or perhaps release of energy through this, that it makes me feel even more strongly the critical importance of ‘movement’ in a healthy life (I love the fact that you use the term ‘movement’ rather than exercise, as it seems to encompass the joyful health-giving qualities of physical movement but also of emotional movement, of loosening and releasing fears that might create emotional stagnation).
All-in-all, I am practicing choosing Love in each important moment, and including at the centre of those choices myself and my body (and, oh, what possibility feels to flow from there!).
London, england
Fueling my body has freed me from the battle of the scale. I am eating more today than I ever have before,and the result is that I feel great and have all the energy I need.
R.M. Heslin
Former vice president, aetna health plans
A small investment that will make a huge difference for the rest of my life. I saw that a shift in my eating could be easy, and now it’s becoming fun. I can tell I’m losing fat, and that’s not even what I intended. I used to always be hungry, and I’m not any more. It’s the best.
Dawn M.
sequim, wa
It’s taken all the pieces that were floating out there and put them together. I’m an educated person, I have all kind of degrees—but I had no idea how my body works. I’d go to step aerobics without eating and think I was tired and nauseous from the heat.
Karen J.
alexandria, Va
Years and years have passed since I read your books. Over all that time, I’ve bought them and re-bought them and kept giving my copies away to friends more times than I can count. Nearly two decades have passed, and nutritional philosophies have changed so many times, but I always keep coming back to your wisdom all these years later. There’s never been a message quite like yours… It’s clear that you walk the walk, and that you come from a place of true contentment and peace. You’ve never pushed strict rules to follow or guidelines to adhere to. There were no expectations of perfection. While all the information out there really revolves around the ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’… yours is a message that is so much bigger than that: about fueling our precious bodies with delicious, real food. With love and care. Living our lives in alignment with what makes us feel our best, inside and out. What a gift.
Hilary Detwiler
vancouver island, bc