Skin reflects health. People often compliment me on my skin (thanks! so sweet! 🙂 ), and it’s one reason (among a good handful) that I am often thought to be younger than I am.
People also ask how. Well, it’s not one product or one thing I do. (It never is.) Everything that works about my health, fitness or vitality is because of EVERYTHING I do. Everything affects everything, which is why I never say “do this one thing,” and instead focus on the interplay between all the vital basics—and establishing that first. It’s the whole picture, the integration of all the keys: good food, movement, rest, natural medicine, hydration, outdoors time, joy and emotional well-being/expression/creativity, and more.
The idea is to find your core low-hanging fruit in each of those areas, and put that in place for impact you can see/feel (usually pretty fast). Lay that foundation, then build on that if you want to get finer and more detailed and “tweak” and master.  But the basics can take you a long way. Learn and live the essentials of nourishment and fueling your body, and how they work together for you!
It’s not that products don’t matter. Their quality matters greatly. I’m super picky about this (and so happy that today there are SO many great choices for nice “clean” skin and hair care products free of synthetics and needless junk. But even the best products won’t, by themselves, compensate for poor self-care—no matter what they promise!
Food and sleep and exercise all have tremendous impact on skin. Moving your body regularly does wonders for skin, especially certain intensities and not too much; certain foods especially help, while others are destructive. Almost nothing gives you the glow that a good night’s sleep does. Even meditation can boost skin! The best is when all of these elements are tended to—the synergy and interplay between them is powerful. That’s a well-fueled body and life—total nourishment.

IMO: Healthy is most beautiful.